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minister to-day. Last Sabbath Mr. Spooner and Alexander Blake officiated. We have congregational singing and it seems real pleasant. We are all well as usual. Danford and Emily, Samuel and Maria and the baby, Chandler and Rhoda, Charles and I, all went up to Uncle Wilsons visiting a few days ago. Had a real good visit. Uncle and aunt Wilson visited here last Friday. Aunt Wilson is very feeble. Our unclear continue to be very interesting. The Greenfield paper has unclear them several times. unclear complimented our Ladies Gazette. I edit and read the next number on Tuesday evening. Harriet Draper is going to be married tomorrow morning and start immediately for Chicago. I believe their route is through La Porte, but they will not stop. If they did we might send a little package to you. Abby Mayo is to be married net summer. Mr Peck and sister and siste's betrothed have been here on a visit this winter. I dont think 'twould be worthwhile to send those mirrors, or the bedstead, or any such thing. 'tis so far. But I'll tell you, - when I go to house keeping I'll take them. I shall probably pitch my time nearer home. If I can sell your melodeon I will but I dont believe I can, and get the value of it. But Abby you must'nt give up coming home next summer. I can't agree to it any way. You can come just as well for all going to house-keeping. That must'nt make any difference at all. Don't think of giving it up. I've been anticipating it so long, you must come certain. And Abby never mind the non correspondence of the other members of our Family, you know they don't write much and you must'nt expect them to. you must write often to us and I shall to you, as you know used to be girls together once. Now I'm going to talk to your husband for I've got ever so much to say to him. And I can't stay much longer. written down left hand side of page Chandler says you hav'nt written to him since you went away. He feels bad about it Maria is wondering if you are going to answer her letter - Mother has told me so much to tell you that I've forgotten every word only that you must come home.