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yet, But I think of buying a pocket hankerchief by and by, if the rest of the banks don't fail. Did you ever know such a crash of banks and business? What does Mr. Kendall think is going to become of us? Hard times, is the principal subject of conversation. However Chandler and I think 'twill soon be past and better days may follow. Chandler had a splendid visit "down East". Saw all the good friends and had a nice time. I expect he will be married at Thanksgiving. They have not certainly decided. He is painting his kitchen, sink-room, and battery floor to-day. Mrs. Fiske is here. She is going to spend the winter with us. Yesterday Emily and Mary, Maria and Abbie and Abby were here. Emily and I visited the High School in the A.M. In the P.M. We attended a Ladies Society meeting at Mr. Spooner's. We've been making some shirts and drawers for Mr. Goldsbury our minister, eight shirts and written down left hand side of page I dont think Abby Mayo will be married at present, or Harriet Draper either. Harriet is teaching on Beach Hill. Miss Cook has not been heard from yet since she left for England. Mr Young is quite sick with fever. and I called there last night