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Oh! Abby, to think of eating a tomato fourteen inches in circumference and five and a half in diameter! I decalre I hardly wonder you were sick. I do think next time you better eat two smaller ones. We are all well. Brother Danford has a bad cold however. You told me Mr. Kendall had a cold and cough. I'm sorry. Tell him to be a good boy and take the best care of his health. Tell him he is very generous to send me a whole bushel of his love. And "with the measure he metes, it shall be measured to him again." So Abby you need not feel any fears for your share. You asked me if you left a piece of your purple dress at home. There is a piece here, I don't know who it belongs to but I will send it in a paper. You are entirely re-rigging your wardrobe are'nt you? Dear me! What an a' la mode Lady my sister must be. I don't believe I should hardly know you in your western costume. I have'nt had any thing new written down left hand side of page Sarah Ball has gone to Glens Falls to visit Maria Brown. Sarah Johnson has gone in to the milliners shop over Sharp's store in Athol. Mr Pulmans youngest boy is dead - Uncle David is very well - writtend down right hand side of page I don't think Abby Mayo will be married at present, or Harried Draper either.