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To Abby Kendall

West Window, Maple Grove Oct 2 1'/57 Dear Sister: I've received your good long letter, and hasten to reply. It told me you had been very sick. I fear you were not sensible of your danger. The Cholera Morbus you know is a very dangerous disease, and I hope it will not again attack your system. Your directions were correct in regard to the Indian Meal and Water medicine, and fortunate for you, that you remembered it. I rejoice to hear Mr. Kendall is so good to take care of the sick, how much more you might have suffered if it had not been for him. Some gentlemen seem entirely unused to the sick, and the sick room. But Abby do be very careful of yourself. I fear that mamoth Tomato may have had some thing to do with your sickness. written down left hand side of page Mother says she shall write you some time. But I'm afraid her letter like Mr. Kendalls, will be a great while coming - I'm sorry your eyes trouble you unclear I would unclear them much - It has been snowing to-day. We are expecting Charles now any day -