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Mary to Abby Maple Grove, July 07. '57. Dear Abby: I'm, writing on the front door-step. Dont you wish you was here, too? Mother is down the gravel-walk, picking Balm blossoms. She just killed a snake in the walk. Chandler is over to "The pond" haying. He commenced haying here in the front-yard yesterday afternoon. To-day mother and I have shaken it, and turned it over. Our border pinks, Sweet Williams, Larkspurs, Fly-Traps, White and Blush Roses, are now in blossom Dahlias budded Our May Duke, and Black Heart Cherries, have ripened. We picked the last yesterday. I'm going to keep them till Sunday, to share them with out eastern run force mints. Chandler brought home a large handful of Lillies this noon. The first of the season. Mother recieved your letter of July 5. Tuesday. I've been trying to have her answer, to day. But she thinks she can't now. Perhaps she will some time. So I thought I would just write and tell you. I thank, Abby, very much indeed, two times, for that beautiful Moss Rose and buds, and the Cedar. You know Abby I think a "heap" of such mementoes. Please send some more written down left hand side of page Maria Goldsbury, Augusta Ward, Carrie Fuller and his little girl have just been here to call send love to you. Chandler sends his love. Says he would like to have you write to his Rhoda, some time. Good-night Abby.