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Maple Grove, June 25. 1857. Dear Sister: I received your good, long, letter last Sat eve. And after waiting patiently three monstrous weeks, I most eagerly devoured its contents. While waiting, I had thought of many convincing phrases, proofs of? neglect &c that I would send you in my next letter. But after reading your very interesting letter, somehow, they were all forgotten. You were a good girl to send a good long one at last. It seemed so much like your long "Kendall letters" Last - winter, that I had a great mind to tie a red ribbon round it and lock it up in the "unclear". Abby you must have had a delightful journey. I'm so glad. And your eyes behaved so well, too, they really deserved the assistance of another pair. It was very kind in Mr. Kendall to present you with another pair of eyes. I hope they will be of great use to you. And so you've seen the far found cities, and the clear Hudson. Ok! Abby, and here am I, still dreaming, and written down left hand side of page When may I expect your Daguerreotypes. I'm anxious to look at your faces again. Abby you must write regularly every fortnight to some of us. And we hope Mr Kendall will find some time to write occasionaly. You must take excellent care of each other, and take a great deal of comfort