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Savannah April 1 1851

My darling Wife, The provoking mails are two days due and consequently I have not rec your letter now due. And I write this before the regular day that you may be certain to receive it by Monday next. I have received an elegant present in a daguerreotype. I think it is a very fine one and a good likeness. I shall do it up nicely and send it to you by the Steamer "Florida" which sails on Saturday next, and will reach New York sometime on Tuesday the 8th of April. I shall direct it to "Mrs MK Barlow 27 Butter St. Brooklyn". and put in charge of the clerk of the Boat, telling him that you're Father will call for it. Mr. Carey th daguerrotypist took it for me in return for my writing a communication for the paper, unclear him somewhat the regular price of that sized picture is $8. Since I have made up my mind to return in May, I am impatient for the time to roll round. I want to be nursed by your kindness once more. I long for some little delicacies which shall tempt my appetite, for I am tired of Savannah living , o for a regular pick-up dinner. When I wrote to you last week I thought of taking a trip to Florida, but I concluded not to spend the money So I cannot fill this sheet with any description of the crockodiles, sea cows, or other wonders.