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Give her the salt water bath every morning -- I wish she could have a change of air -- say a month or two at your unclear. Tell her that I long to see her & kiss her once more -- she must not study too hard. Sweet cunning little Fanny, I wonder if she will know me when she sees me. The idea of her walking and talking seems so strange to me. Give my love to all, ask Grandpa not to forget the Cod liver oil - Tell Grandma that she must not let the noisy little darlings worry her. Tell Catherine I am glad to perceive that she is still with you. Now I must bid you good bye my dear one, let us try to keep up good heart, hope for the best and be reconciled to whatever God may send us. I would my sweet wife that your coming trial was safely over. You have an excellent correspondent thus far -- don't fail to send my letters -- It always gives me the blues when the mail fails to come in on the day I should get my letter. Dear wife until next week Goodbye William