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Savannah Monday 10th. March 1851 My dearest Tilly I have just received your letter dated Mch 4th. It has cut me to the heart, for I perceive that I have written to you as I ought not to have done. Forgive me my dear, dear one, if I in the selfish consideration of my own troubles have been unmindful of yours. Believe me my dear wife. I know the depth, the purity of your affection for me far better than I have deserved. When I think of you and my dear little ones my heart is full. If it is the will of God that I must leave you all, O may I be prepared for the change, and your heart be strengthened by this Grace, to bear up under the trial--But still let us hope for the best, perhaps I may be allowed to see any happy days with you yet. In my letter of the 26.th ? I spoke of our having a few few days, and of my feeling quite well from that time up to last Friday. the weather was most delightful, and had a wonderful effect upon me. I felt well almost. I coughed but little, raised but little, had but fear of those short spells of fever & did not for several days lye down during the day. Since last Friday we had a cold rain, which slightly added to my cough, but the weather is now clear again - crossed out and I shall feel well again. The principal bad feature in my care? is my inability to endure much fatigue. For my cough & spitting has never been as bad here, as it was before I left home, and indeed most of the time I feel quite strong.