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This plan of publication is some extent should be adopted by the National and State Governments. The Natural History of New York, a work that reflects honor upon the Nation, might have been published in this way, at half the cost to the State with no more expense to the buyer, and fifty copies for one might have gone into the market. Congressional and State law might be published in this way, at a great saving to the Treasuries, and with great gain to the People. Finally, it may be objected that this unclear comes too late, as the Government has settled its mode of a unclear. But the unclear adopted is not beyond the unclear of Amendment. If unclear be not too wise to err, it should not be too unclear to mend. It is compelent for that Honorable Body to charge itself with the expenses of its own folly; and restore our funds. It is doubtless unclear honest and earnest wish to discharge their trust in good faith; and if the method of employing the fund here suggested should be found to profess merit, why may we not yet hope for its adoption> This money belongs to the People their wishes should be considered as well as their interests. We have a right to say to our Rulers - Hands off! in the name of God! Waste if you will the revenues. Spend fifty millions to war upon fifty unclear! Buy Texas!