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A large proportion of this exotic mass consists of the refuse of Europe. they are incapable of rational liberty; and the gree- men's franchise in their hands, is as "a jewel in a swines snout." this foreign deviant? is swelling to such formidable pro- portions,as must? seriously effect the national character. We shall need political information to save our liberties, and practical science to give us bread?. Self-government in a great nation implies high intelligence as well as virtue. An Ignorant constituency will, as a general rule, be a vicious one; and these two qualities will throw them into the hands of demagogues, by a law as ? as fate. They well be presently cheated our of other liberties, or they will vilely cast them away. Is there then no mischief to be apprehended from the influx of ignorance and vice? Europe could not greatly harm us if she would invade us with none but armed men. But her felons and paupers armed with rage, and the ? of suffrage, may convey

our liberties to their burial. The process of European purgation

annually discharges upon these shores 300,000 emigrants. The exponation?? of an annual million, would afford Europe only a healthful depletion. the old world would renew its age, by throwing off its ? humours upon the new. A general jail delivery,