From Newberry Transcribe
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in them little else than doctrines to which he attaches no importance; mysteries that contradict his reason; objections which he does not wish to see obviated; (((& enigmas of which he desires not the solution.))) They are to him a savour of death unto death. (((We should come to the study with humility. The revelation, which to them who believe, is both "the wisdom of God, & the power of God," contains that which is humbling to the pride of human reason, because it baffles its comprehension. Not to pry into the secret things which belong to God, to exact no other proof of that which is revealed, than "Thus saith the Lord!" To hold with unprejudiced, and yet unshaken confidence, that primitive faith, which the profane have ridiculed, and the learned affected to explode, requires no small degree both of the simplicity & humbleness of a child. Hence it is, that truth is often hid from the wise and prudent, while it is revealed unto babes.)))

transcription note: words enclosed in triple parentheses are crossed out