diligently; for much is to be learned and life is short: attentively; as we would examine the instrument which entitled us to an estate (((a crown))): affectionately; as we would peruse the testament of a dear departed parent: reverently; as we would listen, if God, in the person of his Son, were visibly addressing. They are our title deed to a crown of glory that fadeth not away. They are the legacy of him who loved, and gave himself a sacrifice for us. (((They are a treasury of divine wisdom, & the light of life. And yet there are those, who are so little curious of sacred knowledge, so little awed by the majesty of an heavenly Teacher, so little inquisitive as to what God hath spoken, so little concerned for the eternal safety of their souls, that if they deign to read them at all, it is seldom, casually, in detached portions, without recollection, and, consequently, with little profit.))) In order to understand them, we should bring to the study the love of truth.
transcription note: words enclosed in triple parentheses are crossed out