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(((shall find the cause of this partial failure, not in the inefficiency of the gospel, as a means of reforming the world, but in the moral agency and depravity of mankind. The remedy provided, encounters an inveterate disease; and through it be prescribed by infinite wisdom, pride & unbelief may render it ineffectual. But the errors, which for long ages of darkness obscured its glory, are now vanishing away. Its influence increases with the reviving spirit of inquiry, and the progress of knowledge; we may look with confident & exulting hope, to that consummation, to which its principles tend, which it was intended to produce, & which the holy prophets have predicted; when it shall restrain the rapacity of the tyrant, & check the ferocity of the warrior, & repress the insolence of power, & break the rod of oppression, and bring down the high look of pride, and ennoble the spirit of the base, and raise the humble out of the dust; when "the Wolf shall dwell)))

transcription note: words enclosed in triple parentheses are crossed out