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(((and accountability of Man; the mystery of his redemption by the expiatory sacrifice of the Son of God, and the justification of the sinner through faith in his blood; the love of God & Man as the vital principle of godliness; the resurrection of the bodies of the dead & the judgement of the last day, with the dispensation of endless rewards and punishments.))) A correct & beautiful compendium of this system, we exult to find, in the articles & liturgy of our excellent Church. A Book, which, whether we consider it as a summary of christian doctrines, or a formulary of religious worship, may justly be regarded, as the noblest monument of the wisdom and piety of the reformers of the English Church. It is at once a standard of orthodoxy; & its effectual safeguard. Every act of worship, in the use of its incomparable forms, involves a recognition of the leading truths of the gospel; which thus become associated with all the holiest feelings of devotion. A happy association,

transcription note: words enclosed in triple parentheses are crossed out