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Mrs. Mary Alsop & Chy. Whittelsey Esq. To WDana_ _ _ _ [Drs?] Dlls Cts

1792, Sept Hartford, Circuit Crt. To fee in [Jr?,] Ray [unclear image] Robert Stewart, Joel Hall [image] ( action of [ejectment?] for land

                                                       in Chatham lately holden by Bush)  defended at your request _  _   _   _   _  _  _   _  _  _  _  _  _  _  _               5.                 ------

1793. April NHaven, Circuit Crt To [image]_ _ _ in. [image] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cont. 5. ------ Sept Hartford Circuit Cts To [image]_ _ _ _ in. [image] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _[image] 5. ----- 1794 April NHaven, Circuit Crt. To [image]_ _ _ _ in [image] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [image] 5. ----- Sept. Hartford Circuit Crt. To [image] _ _ _ _ in [image] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [image] 5. --- 1795 April NHaven Circuit Crt to [image] _ _ _ _ in [image] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _[image ] 5. ---- Sept Hartford, Circuit Crt to [image] _ _ _ _ _ in ( [NB.?] I did not attend the Courts, being required to be at NHaven) ---- ---- 1796 April NHaven Circuit Crt To [image] _ _ _ _ _in [image] _________abated by death of [Jr?] Ray, & called out. ----- ---- 1800 Sept 20 To cash, paid Chy,Goodrich Esq for his fee in above action ------- as for his bill against Whittelsey Esq & [unclear] 5. ---

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    $35.        -----

Middletown Oct. 3rd 1800 Errors Excepted [unclear] WDana DD