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dancing parties at the hall every live week there I unknown like the Barron. The Barron " says he thinks the atmosphere must be had upon the hill" and I have almost come to that conclusion by the way the people act that live there. We had a donation party atMr. Barrens Friday ensuring there was most a house full there. they some nice presents and we had a very pleasant still time, I wish Jan could have been there I think Jan would have enjoyed it much. Last week I spen a day with Mrs Breithe?, we talked over old Institute affairs, she seemed to feel badly that any one should say to Jan that she had had enough of the Kendall's for she is sure she never said it. She dont think Mr Halden is a man of his word. she spoke very affectionly of Jan and said if there ever was any one a gentleman she though Jan was onel. she wished me to write to you about it and to be rembered to you. She wants to see you much. Melda B.Smith has a daughtr they are going to live in Pomeroy. I guess Jan will know all about the Marietta people when you read this letter for I have spoken of it many. Mr Braughteon also, wishes to be rembered to Jan. He often asks about your