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feels anxious about her house and things, as they have been shut up ever since she went away. And she wants to go while it is warm. Mary is still travelling in Europe with Jennie and Reed at school so she will be all alone and she can't stay there alone through the winter, so Ive invited her to come back and spend the winter with me. But I dont know what she will do. She don't know, till she has seen James and Reed. I wish it was so she and you could both be here. But then she may not come if she does, she will not come before real cold weather. It would be pleasant if you and she should make written down left side of page We are to have a general State Conference meeting here the 2nd week in October Wednesday and Thursday - Now with love to you and the boys I am as ever your affectionate sister Mary - Emily will write you when she gets home - there is no change here we talk so much - Mr Osgood and the girls all send love to all - write soon and let me know what you decide upon