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but she could look for it. So Emily went up stairs and looked, but could'nt find it. The fact was I told Mary after you went away, that you left it and she could have it if she wanted but she seemed to think as she did when you spoke about it to her or Jane. That she did'nt Know as she needed it - so I followed your instructions, to let Eva have it if Mary did'nt want it and it was here. But it so happened that Rhoda had'nt made it up for Eva, because she was'nt hardly old enough to have it now, so we thought best to send it back to Mary and we did - I dont know what Emily will think - I sent word too that Mary might have my pink Oregon dress too if she wanted, but I dont know whether she'll take it or not - We have'nt heard from them since they went home. Maria said she was going to write you soon. She has a great many letters to write, and is excusable. Samuel is getting along finely, seemingly, with the paying up for the home place - and I'm very glad. Charlie David is about as usual and all the neighbors and friends about so, so. I probably shall not go to Warwick just yet now they have been here. We are all well. Chandler has three hired men for the haying season. Fornham Faye is one. They commence tomorrow. Grass looks well and crops. There is to be a great Celebration at Frodingham Harmony Square} on the 4th july I think we shall all go - Hon Henry Wilson Lieut - Gov Claylin and Dr A A Miner are to be the speakers - guess we shall have a nice time - july 17th - We have a Union Sabbath School Picnic at Walden Pond (Concord) that will be another nice time - There now I must say good by and write to my pets lovingly Mary - written down left hand side of page Give my love to Mr Kendall please - Ill unclear by his suggestion to write for young folk's and write to your young folks - I'm enjoying reading "Faith Gartney' "Girlhood" have you read it - Also Osgoods "American Leaves" and "Outward Bound"