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Hudson Mass, April 5th 1866 My dear sister Abby: Since I last wrote you we have been incorporated in a new new town by the name of Hudson. The petition has been in Legislature all winter and now the act has been passed and signed by Governor Bullock. So now we live in Hudson, just where Mr. Kendall says he has in his dreams always desired a home, with the slight variation of the connective in, for on. But ours is a reality - his a dream - with an opportunity for him to make it reality. I wish in his wisdom he might see it best to do so. I feel to-day more and more strongly possessed of a desire to urge it - to say come right off. But I fear my feminine judgement may be of little worth outside my own individual written down left hand side of page I thank you very much and Mr Kendall Eddie and Georgie for such a kind and cordial invitation to visit you also for your generous offer to pay my expenses out there &c. and it really causes me pain to decline, because I should like so well to be with you this summer - But I wish it might be here - As you are undecided about remaining West - and in regard to your future location I feel it will not be best for me to go - at least now - Should you decide not to come East I shall certainly try to accept your many kind invitations sometime when it may be convenient - But I am now hoping you may conclude to come East - Your health may improve here - I am sorry you have not been as well this spring - March is a very trying month - I hope you are very careful - I wish I might hear you was well good bye Sister Mary