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and assure you had it been convenient I should have enjoyed it much. I shall lay up the invitation for a future acceptance when it seems more convenient. I'm glad you are better, and the rest of your family are well as usual. Emily says you need'nt feel alarmed at all about the abcess gathering on your Lung. That it was the result of some previous cold or strain or inflamation, and that you must be very careful about taking cold &c. till it is healed perfectly, and then 'twill be all right, and probably your Lung will feel better than before. She says she has had one or two gather on hers. And raised just such matter as you described, but she is entirely over it. I have'nt seen her in better health for a long time than she is now. She is fleshy, and she's got new teeth written down left hand side of page A letter from Cousin Kate Reed tells me that her father Major Reed has been chosen Sheriff again by over a Thousand majority, and I'm very glad, I spent an evening at Judge John Wells in Chicago Falls just before I left Chicopee - He has a magnificent home and amiable wife and two beautiful children -