Oct 30 1965 Sabbath Evening - You will undoubtedly be surprised to hear that Aunt Wright is about to start for the West. She will sell or rent her place here, and she and Nora, with Oscar and his wife are going to Spring field Illinois. They intend starting in about three weeks. Going to make their home here. They have a sick relative, a cousin, on the Wright side, residing there and he has been instrumental in their going. He has already forwarded money enough to defray their travelling expenses, with a promise of more. Oscar will superintend his vinyard. 'Tis an excellent opportunity for Oscar. But quite an undertaking for Aunt. Dwight Moore talks of going South - Roxana's husband is going written down left hand side of page Tell them I think they've got some nice Pets and they must be kind to them - I'm glad Georgie is growing so finely - I hope your boys will all grow up strong pillars for you and Mr. Kendall to lean upon in old age. Good night Mary - Direct to Warwick after two weeks, as I have but two weeks more to teach here.