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Conversation. That conversation enriches the understanding is obvious is also obvious that he who would be an excellent linguist must engage it very frequently. It is as impossible for anyone to express ideas clearly and give to every thought its exact meaning less be habituates himself to expressing them often in conversation for a parrot to become master of the English language . By conversation I do not mean light and trivial talk which is destitute of thought and feeling , which is engaged in for the sake merely of passing away the time , but an exchange of ideas some subject . I am an advocate of the latter and an opposer the former method of passing away the times for various reasons . that little good and much evil results from the former I think those who engage in it are constantly endeavoring to supplant their associates by making more witty expressions than they, are lost when a little exerted to go to great lengths in order to do without for one moment consulting their consciences and ascertaining whether they are not misrepresenting something surrounding the feelings of someone present or traducing some about one. The mind is neither enriched nor elevated by such conversation ; it is apt to become abased rather than refined , while he who pursues a different course who embraces every opportunity to express thoughts ? to learn those of others is soon enabled to express his ideas without trouble and becomes possessed of a good understanding he is led to regard himself as a person of some importance, he really? is and knows that he is capable of accomplishing much more than those who have not cultivated their powers of conversation . Much more good is accomplished in cultivating