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                                  (Maple Shade) 2d Jan of 1854

Dear Mr. Kendall

                            Your kind letter of rememberance

was unclear in all due unclear and should have been answered sooner but for that abominable Spirit - habit (or what over time may be given to it) of procrastination - which has come over me for a year or two past in my correspondence unclear

It is with deep regret that I learn from you of the poor state of your health - I hope however that when the buds pot fourth that you will be restored to that measure of health which will enable you to resume your labours - It is gratifying however to know of your unclear under your unclear trials - that you have that unclear confidence + abiding faith in the great goodness of our Heavenly Father - that will enable you to say that "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in [[unclear" - Yesterday; unclear we had one of the most pleasant and "hoppy ' ' "New-Year" days, that I have any recollection of spending - unclear Barron preached with us two sermons adapted for the occasion of the sleighing being good + the people came together from a distance - and filled our meeting house - and are this afternoon + evening of Saturday unclear had at our own house some 30 about 30 of the young people from town - + most of these students from