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? the seminary I have heard intends leaving in the Spring and if so I have the promise of the place from several of the trustees. The building is of brick, two rooms about 20 ft square with a passage between or an acre lot near the center of the town. The gent. who occupies the seminary is by some coincidence rather negligent & does not exercise proper discipline.

                            The Trustees charge 70$ per session for the use of the building, they say to keep it in repairs But should I get it, I hope to have the privilege of expanding whatever they may charge in such improvements as I may think proper.
             Altho' the first session might not be very numerously attended yet I thunk a most excellent school might be built up. I know of no village of 1500 or 2,000 inhabitants where a more desirable opening is presented. The society, for the number of inhabitants, is equal to any in the State north of Louis