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expect to find many things in the other that at first you might wish different but still brother I can but congratulate you in the choice you have made. For I know that she must be one of the few by what sisters Sarah & Lydia have written in regard to Miss Josephine, for Lydia says that she enjoys her society much. Think you must now have had an excellent time when you were married, by what sister wrote to me wish that I could have been there to have been introduced to my new sister, for I must say that by what I have heard I am very much predisposed in her favor, but presume that unless you come north, I shall not have the pleasure of seeing her at the present, but hope that when you write me she will favor me with a note or a few lines. Suppose that you would like to know how I am prospering in my studies. I have been examined by four of the Professors and have