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You mentioned in your letter that you had received no new of your brother Charles for a year last Nov. I think if he is living it must be owing to his habit of procrastination that he has not written: for he was very much given to that habit when he boarded with us. He would frequently say he must write home, and that would be the last of it for some time. I hope, however, you have heard from him before this time. I had a cousin leave the 5th of May for California. He was going to meet his brothers who were there, at Bidwell Bar on Feather River. I thought as that was the river on which your brother had been located, they possibly might know something about him, or perhaps be fortunate enough to meet with him; I therefore wrote your brother a letter informing of the anxiety you felt in not hearing from him; and requested my cousin if ever he should meet with him, to deliver it to him. But unfortunately he neglected to take the letter with him. I was sorry it did not go, but I know if ever he should see him, he will let us know when he writes to his friends, Uncle Paige also wrote, that he would endeavor to obtain some information concerning him. You wrote you anticipated visiting is in the fall; I hope you have fully decided to come, and your mother also, and make us a good visit. Now do come won't you? say yes do. Aunt Reed you must certainly say yes for yourself. I should like also to see Mary very much. I should be glad to see all the family, but I suppose as it would not be convenient for all to come I must be contented with seeing a part. Mother too would be very much pleased to see you; and I hope we shall have the pleasure of seeing you soon. I wish you would come now while it is my vacation. It commenced last Monday and we are to have six weeks. Mother & I went to E. Boston last Friday, and spent the day with Aunt Abby. Hiram obtained a Franklin Medal, at the annual Exhibition. We are now residing at Somerville in Aunt Sarah's house, but it is uncertain whether we shall remain longer than fall or not. We can stay until next April, and I hope matters will be arranged that we can remain until they return from California. I should like to live here always it is so pleasant. I go into the city every day in the cars (which I like very much,) to school. The house is very pleasantly situated, and we have a very extensive view of the neighboring towns. We have quite a little farm too. Father has plated a few vegetables, and we have a cow, and three hens, and in the course of a week or two, we shall have some chickens- O! I enjoy living here very much. There is one thing that I must tell you about; and it is this: Uncle & Aunt Stewart are strong believers in the "Spiritual Rappings," of which I presume you have heard so much. They are quite spiritual of late. I really wish you could hear them talk,- I think you would be amused. I find my sheet is nearly filled, and I must therefore bring my letter to a close. I have written at intervals, and that is the reason why you have not received it sooner after the date. When you scribe, you may direct it if you please, to the care of father, at Mr. G.W. Robinson & Cors. Lock Manufacturing No. 4 Richmond St Boston. Please excuse bad writing and blunders. Write soon, and have Mary write also. Give my love to all the family, and reserve a share for yourself. From your affectionate cousin Agnes THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY