
From Newberry Transcribe
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up the lightning rods yet at the new house. Tell Eddie & Winnie that their papa loves them very much & am glad to hear that they are good little boys & I hope they will grow up to be good noble men. I was amused with your description of Prince's shaking Carlo for his hurting Eddie. I like Prince very much. I want Carol to hunt with as I think it will do both of us much good as I intend to have you help me hunt. Be sure & tell me how this dry weather is affecting the crops of all kinds. Will there be much of any small grain. How does the corn look. Are the grape vines & cutting doing well.

[left-hand side] We have paid the Express charged on the harness you send & we will pay them on the harnesses you send care? and attach to the bag To Mr. Kendall La Porte and he will pay the charges after the harnesses arrive yet here. It is terrible dry here.