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October 31, 1969 Dear Jack- thanks for the wonderful + informative letter- this one which I had Xeroxed for your files- see below

A letter to Norman Macleod From Jack Conroy


Dear Norman: Good to hear from you again, and I should have acknowledged receipt of the poetry magazines with which you had such a large part. I am pleased to see that you are still at it--fostering the embryonic muse wooed by mute, inglorious Miltons and sequestered Sapphos. I was at the University of Pennsylvania talking on "The Underworld of the Literary Thirties," mainly about the "little" magazines with which you and I were involved. Your name came up for favorable discussion. Jerre Mangione, who is writing a history of the Writers' Projects, was my sponsor. I believe I put him in touch with you. Marvin Klein was Herbert Klein's brother, younger brother. I saw Marvin in New York about 1950. He was running some sort of film exchange or something of the sort in Paris. Shortly thereafter I heard he had died a suicide--whether in New York or Paris I don't recall. Herbert changed the spelling on his name to Kline. He is listed in Leslies Halliwell's THE FILMGOER'S COMPANION (Hill and Wang, 1967) as being born in 1909 and described as "American director, mainly of documentaries. Features include THE FORGOTTEN VILLAGE (also produced) 1951, and THE FIGHTER (1952)." That's an interesting anecdote about Hemingway and Herb. A good episode for your autobiography. Sad about Bob Lorenz. I had been in fairly close touch with him for a number of years. Used to stay in his pad when in NYC. His wife, Ingebord, walked out on him about three years ago--accused him of cheating with gals at (over)

Copy sent to Professor Norman Holmes Pearson at Yale-

I have ordered a copy of the current issue of December, the one which includes your article on H.H. Lewis. Is Lewis still alive? Can you remember anything that was said about me and by whom at the University of Pennsylvania meeting which you mention above? It would interest me to know what was said. Yes, I got Jerre Mangione's address from you + I have received some fascinating letters from Jerre. My name is not even mentioned by Granville Hicks in his review of A Return to Pogong?, which appeared in the October 26, 1969, issue of The New York Times Book Review next page-