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  American Protestantism was (and still is in strange ways!) captured by the doctrine of underlined: "individualism", which had so much meaning in our frontier society, and in our revolt from the class structure of European society - the whole pitch of pie-in-the-sky grew out of the addition of the doctrine of the "individual" conscience, which grew in 19-20th centuries into a doctrine of almost absolute wisdom and justice - If man was only allowed to be free, and if a depth charge, flowing out of the Puritan Biblical tradition, could only "hit" him, the Kingdom of God would underlined: follow !  The tragedy was, as events have shown us from 1930 on, that enlightened self-interest, and conscience, and such "liberal" dreams of Locke and Adam Smith, overlooked two things (a) Man's basic inability to see injustice in the situations in which he found himself, (b) the rise of collective forces emerging from the excelleration [sic] of science and technology, which brought a hell of a lot of power into man's underlined:  hands !
    For my book, Marx saw, as few did in his time that conscience was determined and directed by man's intrinsic involvement in the position that he occupied in the order of things - tho I think that his bigger goof was his underlined:  "revelation" that economic forces which were operative, were underlined: basic, and therefore the key to all  human life -- Marxists have failed to apply to themselves the sociology of knowledge that Marx unfolded to them, just as the preacher and the churches have failed to apply to themselves the criteria of judgement    implicit in the Gospel -
   I am a little uneasy about Goldwater, and the white backlash - If I were a Chicago Democrat, I would be working like hell in the white wards that surround the Negro center city mass - and the Irony is that it is the Poles & the Slavic Minority groups who seem to be the most frantic because they feel directly the invasion of the Negro in their underlined:  property areas !  What an underlined:  irony - the "Bohunks" who were sired by guys who got it in the neck