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-3- in 1930, are now insturment [sic] in living the negro the Knife today - tho there is a tremendous power given to American life because of its opper opportunity offered Minority groups in the past, this 'sucess" [sic] story of hard work, etc is now the central core of the myths of America believed by those who are most susceptable to the underlined: white backlash! They are self-righteous as double underline: hell! But they are frightened - I ran on to their fears at Springfield when I was down there lobbying for a fair relief Bill and open occupancy laws. My people in Maywood are also victims of the underlined: white backlash! worse than underlined: private property, when its value is double underlined: challenged!!

   Write Dad if you ever have time - he is very proud of you, and he is always thrilled when he hears from you - for you see, Jack, he dreamed of other things - he had a chance to do advanced studies under Grimner at Yale back in the days when sociology was just a  adjunct of social philosophy -
   Let's get together soon -

John Kingsbury P.S. I have sent you under sep. cover some copies of underlined: Renewal - thought they would show a very deep underlined: "in-the-world-ness" of some of the ? squares!