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fri Oct 31 - 58 Dearest Jack.

     Know you just had a letter from me but I recieved [sic] yours this A.M. and it is so interesting I just had to talk to you a bit on paper.
     for one thing Jack I want to urge you to write that book you can you know,  I think we need more of that kind of reading I read "the world that was" by John G Bowman.  I read it without ever puting [sic] it down.  I liked it and why?  because it brought back my thoughts and feelings when I was little  It was just about a little boy underlined:  like you were  What he sees and what he feels. but people really like those kind of books.  if I were to write a Home town book, and I Wish I could.  underlined:  You Can.  I would write first of the first things I remembered.  One of the Very first thing I remember was when we lived in Ardmore MO and two hunters with guns and dogs Came by and their dogs ran in our yard and tore our poor little Kitten to pieces before our eyes despite the fact of Mamas Screaming and the men Yelling.  It must have been Cold Weather for I remember I stood at the Window and looked out  Then the next underlined:  big thing I remember is a terrible rain Came Mama had underlined:  fits worried for fear papa