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for coffee and and [sic] talk.

   As best as I can remember, the seating arrangement was like this:

SKETCH indicating 12 chairs around a table labeled as follows: Paul Romaine, Marguarite Romaine Mr Rosen Roslyn Rosen Jack Conroy Studs Terkel Ida Terkel  ? Ken McCormick Mrs. McCormick Mike Hecht Terry Hecht

Ken McCormick was (and is) senior editor/vice president Doubleday Books. Roslyn Rosen now has Lund aded to her name, and 2 years ago her novel was very well received by critics and the public. Paul Romaine: Chicago literary figure and bookseller.

   Conroy was in jovial good form, and for half an hour, forty-five minutes, entertained us with stories and reminiscences.
   Just before McCormick called for the bill, Conroy told this one:
   "It was 1936 and the American Writers Against War and Fascism were having a Congress in New York.  There were a lot of fiery speeches and then as one of the afternoon sessions closed, James Farrell jumped up and shouted:  'Let's everybody go out and bomb the Chase Manhattan Bank!"
    While most of us were doubling up with laughter at this, Mrs. McCormick leaned over to her husband and whispered:  "Who's James Farrell?"
     Ah, to be the wife of a book editor!