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Kenneth is very busy with his own projects, in addition to the job. On his own, he is doing a Jewish Old People's Home. He has a studio at 1750 N. Wells, and two interesting helpers who work for him when he is rushed. One is Navin, from India; the other Luigi Mangano, an elegant Italian.

 we finally joined the Council on For. Relations. There [sic] latest offer was London for $220,

as cheap as S.F.

 The Lincoln Park Confrontations during the convention were interesting to say the least. I was

terrified by the fuzz on motorcycles, who were zig-zagging all over the place. We ran into some fascinating people such as French students, young Nt'l Guardian photographers, etc. Ginsberg, Genet Wm. Burroughs, Dellinger and dozens of others were around.

 I have run out of paper, and the turbulence is too distracting. A bientot!  kisses, K & S.