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view of the hills, "she complained." I have to go up on the roof to see the mountings." She may be drumming up a brigade of raccoons or a few thousand gross of giant cut worms for next summer.

 Still my book is not done. Thirteen chapters (of 15) are, though. so the tunnel's end may yet

lighten. Son Jim married in June, choosing a Minnesota denizen. We flew out for the wedding, but made no side trips whatever., & flew right back to the grind. They are living in the Minneapolis area, so we will be making that pilgrimage from time to time.

 Hope you & Gladys are doing fine. Midge had some low-grade virus that kept her at half-pace for

about 6 weeks last summer. And I had a touch of flu in October. But otherwise, fine. My bad disk has not given any real problems for a long time. ^Last summer I even got away with hefting some 80-pound fertilizer bags & breaking up a stubborn tree with the chain saw without after effects.

 Well, I'm pulling for spring & summer already. & here it is hardly into full winter.
   Best o' luck,     Dave & Mildred