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in pencil Wyman, Dave 61 Columbia Dr. Amherst, Mass. 01002 1/3/78 Dear Jack,

 Last night the ground hereabouts was bare of snow, which I like, but which does seem unnatural for this section at

this time of year. But today the first real snowstorm of the new year has already changed the picture. About 3 inches of a predicted 6 to 8 has drifted down. Looking out back from my desk window I'm treated to a colorful gathering around Midge's bird feeders. Even a cardinal, which is a ^rather rare & special treat for New Englanders. They stand out sharply against the snow.

 We enjoyed your letter of Nov. 16 & had a long laugh from your music writing ("I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy") as an

explanation for the quintet of flags on your address sticker.

 Congratulations on the Natl Endowment for the Arts award! I hope this means that your autobiography will make a

quantum leap & be completed. Also felicitations on being * on side "author of the year" for Missouri. I would have so voted. Glad you liked the bookplates. Here are 2 other photos Midge took in June, to add to your collection.

 The poster with you at the Moberly depot is precious. I used it in class &, then hung it on my office bulletin board

where it is yet.

 underline The Disinherited /underline was well received again this fall in my class on the 20's & 30's. Of the 27

in class the day I had the books rated, 24 thought it should be read again next year (which I see as the acid test of a book), 2 thought not, & one offered no response. That is an excellent record, but not unusual for your book. That class, by the way, while smart enough to recognize the value of underline The Disinherited /underline (& generally quite able mentally), was the quietest, least responsive group I've had in 6 or 7 years. Nothing I did seem to stir them. I hope we are not