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letter written in blue ink 2with circle around it first week of August. And now we're getting dry again. The past 2 days, however, have been excellent .. a rare delight this year. How vegetables can grow under those frigged up circumstances, I do not know. Even the weeds have had a hard time of it. Nonetheless, Midge sentence above this one Iunderlined haven't noticed that the weeds are having any trouble at all - but then, I'm prejudiced against them. has been busily freezing things & will probably have 200 quarts stashed away by frost. We've also had skunks, raccoons, woodchucks, & chipmunks to bedevil us -- especially the last 2. The damn chipmunks eat the soybeans as they ripen. Soybeans are 1/2 our protein supply. Maybe we'll bend our vegetarianism enough to shift to chipmunk for protein intake.

   I've been working pretty diligently on the book, but mostly

have been sorting through & organizing the materials. I practically have an archive of my own now. I've had a fair amount of response to my Commentary article. If the library of the "Athens of the West" subscribes to commentaryunderlined, you might want to look at the letter section in the July & the upcoming September issues. Phillip Nobile, a syndicated columnist ("Uncommon Conversations") put out an interview with me on the same