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2. such trauma!

 John is on a sabbatical this school year - more time to write. He will be Poet in Residence at Purdue Univ.

(Lafayette, Ind.) Jan 13 until the end of April. Will be there Tues.-Thurs., then drive up to Kal. Fri. to Monday.

 Dave, 22, is troubled with schizophrenia, and has been in & out of Kal. State Hosp. for treatment for the past

2 years. Had to go back in, in May. He comes home weekends and holidays to visit us. We see him almost daily at the hosp. Dave is better now, and recently began a work program.

 Rich, 18, is our key musician. He is a very good guitar player (elec.) and is in a little band. They practice 

regularly, and have had a underline few {/underline]] jobs.

 I've learned a bit this year about patchwork and quilting, enjoyed numerous concerts, poetry readings, and

movies - Wendell Berry and Thomas Kinsella were here lately - both good.

 Our friend, poet Dave (David Jeddie) Smith now teaches at Cottey College, Nevada, Missouri. John underline

may /underline give a reading there, Jan. 10. Cottey is a 2-year private school for women, I gather.

on side Dave's [Smith] 3rd bk. of poems is out - from Ohio U. Press. Send news. Love, Cary