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Saturday A.M. Dear Jack: -

   We received your letter this a.m. and the 10 copies which  you requested are in the mail bag.
    Sorry not to have written you this week but have been so busy being "Miss Glauber" in this area I've had little time for anything but the work of trundling books around "town and country."
    I have placed a total of 74 copies here, plus 3 review copies to the papers all of whom (I am confident) will give it a review.
    Famous-Barr is going to give it a full table display so I took a snap shot of Wallis to them to use for the set-up.
    Three Arts Book Shop at  5717 Delmar and a second shop which they own are going to give it a window display using Wallis' head which was done by Watkins.
    This is the ground I have covered this past week and all stores have taken from 2 to 15 copies as a starter.