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the thread of a story. If my idea proves satisfactory you might be able to take your novels "A World to Win" and "The Disenherited [sic]" which I believe are already translated into Russian and have them reprinted together it would have a large sale here to students studiing [sic] Russian and in Russia to students studing [sic] English.

    George wrote another friend Putnam he it seems is a professional translator so what little material I have on hand I am sending him as his opinion would be valuable - I know very little about a foreign language myself.
    Here's hoping it will work out good for all of us - I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed all of your books - that goes for all my family -  If I could spell better I could write a great deal of my opinion on all Proletarian Lit And I think you were the first to set the style - and now its gone even to China - I have just finished "Village in August"  My blurred writing