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Apt. 2, 436 Prospect Street, New Haven, Conn. 06511 Feb. 20th 1966.

Dear Mr. Conroy,

     Thank you very much indeed for your very kind and helpful letter about Williams and H. H. Lewis.  I knew about the underlined:  Partisan Review row, but there is so much I do underlined: not know, and I can imagine that the history of your own magazine is a fascinating, and complex, subject.
      Yale has seven issues of underlined:  The New Anvil as well as the original [[underlined:  Anvil) and I had already found the Williams stories in the first two issues.   Were there more than 7 issues of the underlined:  New Anvil, I wonder?   I would be extremely grateful to have copies of any letters Williams wrote to you, if you can unearth them.
      I wrote to Mr. Hagglund.  Thank you so much for his address.  He seemed pretty piqued about Lewis, though he did say that "that was all long ago."   Lewis, he said, defected towards the sound of Eastern applause.  His Williams letters, if he still has them might prove very interesting, so I may start enquiries in the Cape Girardeau area.
     I'm glad you enjoyed London.  You're right - the subway is unbeatable!
     Oh, and I nearly forgot, Fred Miller is still around, though an alcholic [sic] on the road mostly.   I haven't been able to find him.  I must say I like him; his letters, writings, have a boyish vitality, and fresh gusto.  I underlined:  have found the manuscript of an 80-page novel - short novel - on which he collaborated with Williams.  Very lively.  Many thanks for your help.   I'll certainly visit you if I can.  I've offered to do an