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I think I told you before we are only half a block from the ocean The view is good & while we are not isolated, we do not have neighbors too close. Duke spends as much time as he can outdoors & we often spend the entire day on the beach. We aren't making any money, but we are enjoying ourselves. Very pleasant life this.

   Haven't heard from Finch since his move to Calif.  My sister & her husband were here last month   Seemed to enjoy themselves.  This is Earth Week you know.  Suppose to use both sides of paper & we buy our beer in bottles.  Duke sees to it that none of it stands around & causes clutter.  Also, immediately return the empties for refills.  Wears few clothes that need to be washed.  Mostly goes about in small pair of swim trunks.  Feels he is doing his part toward pollution, etc.
   As for 'Dirty Dick' & hero Calley