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Jan 12 1968 Dear Jack & Gladys -

   Want to thank you for a most pleasant visit.  Hope you will be coming up this way soon.   Sorry we didn't get to see Margaret Jean again before we left.   Duke hasn't been feeling too well since we got back.  Caught cold & only now getting rid of it.  The weather here mostly has been pretty awful. & just now really pretty bad - 
   We got back with just minutes to spare to pick up the dog. & the next day he was sick enough to die.  Seems something is going around among dogs very much like flu with people.  Muchacho doesn't know he is a dog & always has a bed time in a kennel.
   Jack, I want to thank you again for the copy of Anyplace But Here.  I have been reading it every chance I get.  don' want this to sound like a conversation between Joey Bishop & one of his guests though.  If you ever watch him you know what I mean.  If you haven't I'll explain when we see you.
   Duke is busy working on one of his statistical fantasies & has been for some evenings now.  I do not understand any part of it but it is always a beautiful piece of