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   I am going ahead with Norm on our projected book tentatively titled "Songs for Men (and Stouthearted women")  We are making up a presentation in search of a publisher and it is in this connection I ask a favor of you.  I would like to include the purported speech in Congress titled "Change the name of Arkansas".  Studs had it but can't find it.  Do you have it?  If so, would you send me a copy which I can zerox [sic] and send back to you immediately.   We plan to include early English, restoration Civil War, World War I & II and contemporary bawdy songs as well as choice pieces of gusty prose like Mark Twains 1601, and the Arkansas piece with liberal quantities of un-bowlderized folk songs.  I have been working at Newberry and Brother, the harvest is ripe.
    I trust that Vance Randolph is still with us.  If you know an address for him, I would like to track down one of the three typwritten [sic] books of salty folklore that you mentioned had been purchased by as many librarys. [sic]  It would also be helpful if you could suggest an equitable arrangement, should we use any of his stuff --- and by the same token, what you would require, should you supply us with some gems.
    Ralph Newman is now Chairman of the Chicago Library Board of directors.  Not unrelated is the fact that I have been asked to do an article on the Library for Chicago Magazine.
   My singing duties took me to Cairo Ill