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letterhead Win Stracke 1936 N. Clark St. Chicago, Illinois 60614

July 3, '71 Dear Jack

   Many moons have passed since smoke signals have gone up between us but my thoughts toward blood brother Big Bear Conroy remain constant and warm.
   So saying I have big favor to ask.  you remember doggerel verse I dedicated to  you titled "Crime doesn't pay" ?  I am getting together all the poetry (?) and songs I have composed through the years and I can find no copy of said song.  If you will send me your copy I will have it zeroxed [sic] and return it post haste.  I plan to revise it some and when I have so done, I will send you original of revised version to swell your already voluminous collection of memorabilia.
   Norm Luboff and my book of ribald song verse and prose (also graphiti) has been accepted by Playboy Press for publication in the fall of 1972.  The contract is not signed as yet but I'm expecting no difficulty.  I should like to confer with you on this project some time in the next six months - for a fee of course.
   Betty and I are together again and we often speak of you and Gladys.