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June 8, '65 Dear Brother in Christ

    Yes, Brother Jack, for five weeks or more I was esconced [sic] in 15E at the Veterens [sic] Research Hospital.  Ostensibly I was there because of a depression but to you I confess that my real reason was to have an extended opportunity for meditation and prayer - may I be forgiven for this duplicity.
     I too shall be journeying to Europe Late in September as the guest of that great champion of human rights - Alderman Bauler.  In the company of the alderman, Ralph Newman and other stalwarts I shall try to bring the Light to the benighted Bachinalians  who will be visiting the Oktoberfest in the beer-washed precincts of Munich.  Pray for the success of our mission.
    While at the VA I was Joined by a good mutual friend Rube Dorinson.  We found much comfort in each others company and you may be sure that you were in our thoughts and our Prayers.  our only regret is that you have not ever been in the service of the ?oncular Sain? so that you can not Join in next years retreat.  My only hope is that in our perigrinations doing the Lords work, our Paths may soon cross

Yours in the Faith Win