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Letterman General Hospital - and hopes to be discharged this fall some time. I am hoping he will get on with the English Dept at U.C.L.A. - He used to be ? Editor, - and I think still is - of the New Mexico Quarterly Review - and taugh [sic] in the English Dept there - before the draft caught up with him.

   I see Peterson now and then.  He is still working in the Accounting office of Lockheed Aircraft Cooperation.  We ? back and forth.   I think he will get back to writing again but has been crowded for time - with a family of two small youngsters - and all that -  We have become very good friends - but in this wide city one doesn't get to see their friends as often as we would like --
    I am visiting the book stores as I get to them and suggesting they stock underlined:  They Seek a City.  and will do all the boosting I can for it.  so far I haven't seen it reviewed in any of the L.A. papers - and perhaps I can stimulate something in that line -  In the rush of work I haven't had a chance to