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Huron Mountain Club Big Bay, Marquette County, Michigan (Home tomorrow) THE SOCIETY OF MIDLAND AUTHORS August 1st, 1971 stamped LOUIS E. LAFLIN, 'JR. 205 MAYFLOWER ROAD LAKE FOREST, ILLINOIS BOX 631 60045

Jack Conroy, ESQ. Vice-President For Missouri 701 Fisk Avenue Moberly, Missouri 65270

set off at the top  We are waiting for a general overhauling, before printing new letter-paper. Besides, it seems more thrifty to use up the old.
Dear Jack Conroy:
 Thank you for your kind, prompt and admirable letter of July 14th. I agree with you that it is much better for your proposed candidates for

membership to be invited from headquarters.

You will be sent a list of our present members, and the text of our new constitution (incorporated not for profit) shortly. You will note that recent 

presidents have invited personal friends not always qualified as creative writers. The new Constitution seeks to emphasize the creative writer, in history, travel, fiction, poetry, drama and the like, with published books, by recognized publishers.

All present members will retain their