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3 dream things up, it seems, and, magically, I come home and find a sheaf of clean white sheets typed like nobody's business.

    I am writing this at the office, which seems the only way, hence you must suffer thru these pencilings.  I promise to do better in the future.
    A million things have happened.  A bull session is in order.  Perhaps I will schedule a trip to Chi sometime in the future.  I was telling Bill I could not get to see you when our paths were perhaps 100 mi. apart but now I may.  Also, we have a house with a spare guest or work room.  The latch key is in your pocket if and when you can see fit to come Washington-ward.  My wife would come to Chi with me - to see the world.  (I am not asking you to put us up - somebody else will pay for that and I will make them pay).  But this is in the future.
    Send me your home address.  We are going to N.Y. over the fourth and will probably meet some mutual friends.  Well, Cheerio.  Here's a beginning.  

Fred Sillers 15330 Upshur St., N.W. Wash. 11, D.C.