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in pencil in top margin Saxton, Alex and Trudy

October 19, 1989 Dear Jack & Carolee -

    Good to hear from you and thanks for writing.   We are hanging in as well as we can.   Trudy has had a long hard time with a broken ankle for which, after many months of physical therapy, she has had to go back for another round of surgery.  And we have both had cataract implants, but are seeing quite well as a result.  This part of California is still beautiful and there are still places that look like the picture on the other side.  Trudy and I have been reading the recent biography of James Baldwin; and there is a biography of Paul Robeson that is supposed - by the reviews - to be very good.  Things are changing - a underlined: little bit!   There is a man at Michigan (sorry, I can't think of  his name, although I met him last spring) who is working on a revisionist study of the "proletarian" novelists.  He is doing very detailed research and is approaching them much more seriously than the previous rather stereotyped studies.

Our love & best wishes to both -- Alex & Trudy Saxton.